During the cold season, the demand for first courses in restaurants is noticeably growing. Soups are becoming more in demand and are included in the daily diet of consumers.
Using dry broths for soups reduces the cooking time and the cost of the finished product. The taste and aroma will always be equally stable.
To provide our Customers with a high-quality product, our technologists and developers have developed 4 different recipes: Beef, Chicken, Mushroom and Vegetable.
Dry broth mixtures are concentrated and as easy to prepare as possible. It is enough to add it to boiling water, and you can enjoy a truly delicious dish.
- Taste Rich taste of chicken broth
- Colour Golden-transparent
- What is it used for It is used as a seasoning to enhance and obtain a rich taste (beef, chicken, mushrooms, vegetables) and the aroma of soups, broths and sauces. It is added when marinating meat, poultry, fish and vegetables. It is used in the production of sauces and seaso
- Composition Salt, maltodextrin, dried chicken powder, chicken fat powder, vegetable protein hydrolysate, sugar, ground turmeric, citric acid, chicken flavor
- Cost-effectiveness To prepare 1 liter of clear broth without greens, the recommended amount of dry mixture is 18-20 g per 1 liter of water. Add the broth to boiling water or during cooking, leave for 2-3 minutes
- Nuances of production Specialized equipment is used for production, perfect mixing quality, while preserving the integrity of vegetables and herbs
- Packaging Durable plastic, with a handle for transportation, the lid is sealed
- Special features Dry broths are versatile, give soups a brighter and more voluminous taste (beef, chicken, mushrooms, vegetables), dissolve quickly, take up little space in the kitchen, give a bright color to the broths, while leaving the broth transparent
- Number of units per pack 4 in a box/60 pieces per pallet
- Shelf life is 12 months
List of recipes where this item has been used:
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