This bright sauce is in high demand in the market and that is why we decided to add it to the Tamaki sauce line.
Our Tamaki Sauce Cowberry is just perfect when served with sushi and rolls. It goes well with both traditional Swedish and Japanese dishes.
Our sauce has a perfect texture, it won’t remind you of berry starch drinks, fruit juices, or confiture, as is often the case with cowberry.
We have created a sauce that goes well with other sauces, for example our Pineapple Curry Sauce, Teriyaki Sauce, or Pineapple Chili Sauce. Combinations of contrasting elements is a very important feature of fusion cuisine.
- Taste Sweet and sour, with a rich taste of cowberries, spices, and zest of chili peppers
- Color Bright cowberry color
- How can you use it? The sauce goes well with meat, poultry. And deep-fried dishes. You can also use it as a marinade. It goes really well with cheese and game dishes
- Consistency Moderately thick
- Appearance Beautiful, makes any dish look more appealing
- Composition Water, sugar, cowberry puree, dried Сowberry, 9% apple vinegar, starch, salt, tomato paste, granulated garlic, cardamom, ground coriander, lemon juice, chili pepper paste, beet food coloring, xanthan gum, sodium glutamate, citric acid
- It gives any dish some very special properties The authentic flavor that we managed to achieve due to the harmony of spices, garlic, and Cowberries is well-rounded and helps bind all the ingredients of the dish into a single whole
- Traditional recipe Traditional Tamaki-style recipe with Asian notes
- Economy Thick sauce with a rich Cowberry flavor, quite economical
- Nuances of production All the ingredients of the sauce are mixed and slowly heated to reveal the taste. The sauce is not brought to a boil to preserve the beneficial properties of cranberries
- Packaging The bottle dispenser is very convenient for decoration, it does not need to be poured
- What is better than other well-known analogues Not watery, thick, with a large% content of cranberries in the composition
- Special Features The specially developed taste of berry sauce with the addition of garlic, coriander, chili pepper, white pepper and vinegar make this sauce versatile. It can be added not only to game and cheese plate. It is perfectly combined with beef, pork
- Shelf life 12 months
- Number of units in a package 6 pcs

List of recipes where this item has been used:

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